ES6 Status - Symbols


7th primitive type added to JS, original 6: Number, String, Boolean, Object, null, undefined. 7th is Symbol.

Symbols are unique identifiers, help avoid naming collisions. Good time to use Symbols is when creating unique properties.

const jo = Symbol('jo'); this is not a value, but a descripter/ unique identifier.


const band = {
  [Symbol('J')]: { instrument: 'guitar' },
  [Symbol('J')]: { instrument: 'guitar' },
  [Symbol('M')]: { instrument: 'drums' },
  [Symbol('J')]: { instrument: 'bass' },
  [Symbol('J')]: { instrument: 'vocals' }
// no conflict

Note: You cannot loop over Symbols.

for(person in band) {
// will not work (cannot loop over), reminder: using `for in` -- `for of` does not work on objects

Possible to store private data in this manner.

const syms = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(band);
console.log(syms) // outputs Symbol(J), Symbol(J), Symbol(M), Symbol(J), Symbol(J), nothing more

const data = => band[sym]);
console.log(data); // outputs workaround to grab info, band[sym] is band[propertyKey] access to data

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